
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

AWESOME Stuffed Mini Sweet Peppers

These are absolutely AWESOME!  I bought these beautiful mini sweet peppers at Aldi's; I just could not resist, they were so pretty!  

But I got them home and I just didn't know what to do with them!?  
So, I found this recipe at... From Which Things Grow.  Its a keeper and I have made this recipe at least 3 times already!  Truly enjoy!
-8 ounces cream cheese, softened
-1/2 tsp garlic powder
-1 tsp seasoned salt
-1 1/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese {or other shredded cheese}
-about 1/2 bag real bacon pieces (2 1/2 ounce bag) {or 5 slices cooked and crumbled}
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Line a baking sheet with foil and lightly spray with cooking spray.
3. Prepare peppers.  I cut off the tops, sliced them in half lengthwise and removed the seeds and pith/ribs.  {The original recipe cut off the tops, removed the seeds/pith and placed them in a muffin pan for baking; I think cutting in half is easier.}
4. In a medium mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, garlic powder, seasoned salt, shredded cheese and bacon.
5. Stir well to combine.
6. Spoon cream cheese mixture into prepared pepper halves and place on greased baking sheet.
7. Bake peppers for 20 minutes, remove from oven and serve.
8. Enjoy!


  1. So, these are served hot, right?

    1. Yes they are, but I also love the left-overs right from the fridge! :D

  2. Can these be made ahead and frozen? If so, before or after baking? Thanks!

    1. I have never made them and froze them; they never make it that far. But I do think that you could make assemble them and bake them from the frozen state, or bake and then freeze them and then just microwave to heat through. Hope this helps.


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