
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Baby Shower Gifts & Pictures as Promised!

I'm so excited, my sister and her husband are having twin baby girls soon!  This past weekend we had the baby shower for them and in typical "Me" fashion I couldn't help but make some of the gifts for the twins! 
I started with these stuffed owls, the zebra print part is a pocket.
I also made some little mice for the owls to put in their pockets.
 The backs of the owls are a very soft fuzzy fabric.
 Here they are all ready to go to their new home!
I also made them a diaper/wipe cuff.  Its a long stripe with Velcro that can go around at least 8 diapers and the small wipe container!  Hopefully 8 diapers is enough when going out with twins!
I also made this little contraption  you hook the two loops on the inside and outside knobs of a door and it prevents the door from latching if the kids pull the door shut and it also makes it easy to close the door without making any noise when their sleeping.
I found this idea for making story dice; I changed it to Story Blocks!  

They're five blocks, each with a theme: Magical Items, Things/Objects, Characters, Animals and Places.  To play, you roll the blocks and use the images to help give you ideas for a story, if you get stumped you can just roll the blocks again to continue and add to the story!
I recycled a hard plastic bag to store the blocks and the instructions in; I added some Velcro for easy opening and closing also a pretty ribbon.

I found these super cute bibs at a craft sale I recently worked at; they were made my one of my son's friend's mom.
Here's all these things with the addition of a couple pair of pjs ready to go to their new home.
Now Big Mr. J wanted to make something to give the twins so I found this plaster bird head I made a long time ago and he wanted to paint it for their room.
Working hard!  It has to be just right!

Now for the party...
Little Miss J just had to sit on my sister's lap during gift opening; good thing my brother-in-law was up for opening all of the gifts.  :D
My cousin just had a baby about 1 month ago and Little Miss J just couldn't stay away!
Big Mr. J was a great helper with the gifts.
Oh, cool!  What is it?
Little Miss J painted a picture for the twin's room!
Finding the Story Blocks.
I think my brother-in-law will have the most fun with these!
And finally the twin's owl stuffed animals, made with love by Aunt Jacqueline!
I had a lot of fun making all of these things for my nieces!  If you are interested in making any of them let me know and I can post a tutorial on any/all of them for you!  Just ask! :D

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