
Friday, April 12, 2013

Coop Time, Day #1

We are building a new and much more secure coop for our birds this year.  I am super excited and can't wait to get my new birds!  

I thought I would share with you throughout the process of building and the eventual completion.

I am lucky to have a husband that is an engineer!  He came up with this design for the coop, its going to be painted like a red barn!
We went and bought all/most of the materials we need last night!
So this is day #1 of coop creation!
Today my goal is to paint all of the main wall pieces red and all of the trim pieces white.  
I think painting them before they are cut and assembled will be easier!  We'll just touch up any raw/cut edges when/as we assemble! 

 Yippy!  Wish me luck!

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