
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Crunchy Breakfast Bowls

Eggs are great!  And this is a wonderful, fun way to feed eggs to your family.  You can customize each bowl to each person's tastes.

You could prep all of your ingredients (chop the veggies and/or mix your eggs) the night before or on the weekend to make this a fairly quick breakfast during the week (put them in the oven while you make the kid's lunches and get ready for the day yourself).

Ingredients:  {the amount you need of each ingredient will depend on the number of bowls you want to make}
-flour tortillas (plain, wheat or flavored)

Optional Delicious Add-Ins:
-shredded cheese
-real bacon pieces
-fresh chopped chives
-finely chopped onions
-chopped tomato
-chopped bell peppers
-chopped mushrooms
{These vegetables are awesome grilled (grill them the night before when you grill something for supper), chopped and then mixed into the eggs! Or any breakfast egg dish!  Yum!}

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Cut tortillas into 4-6 inch squares or use a large circle-like shaped cookie cutter {I used a larger pumpkin cookie cutter}.
3. Microwave the cut tortillas wrapped in a damp (not wet) paper towel or cloth napkin for about 20 seconds, to soften them and prevent cracking.
4. Spray muffin pan with cooking spray.  
5. Press the cut, softened tortillas into a regular sized muffin pan.
6. For customized egg bowls add the additional ingredients each person wants into the bottom of the tortilla bowl.  Or if you are doing them all the same you can mix the additional ingredients into the eggs.
7. Beat the amount of eggs you want to use; you can add a splash of milk if you like.  
8. Season with salt and pepper, mix thoroughly.
9. Pour eggs into the prepared tortilla bowls.  {TIP: If bowls are customized you can put one of the ingredients on the top of the egg mixture in each bowl to mark them, so when they are finished baking you can tell who's is who's.  You can see in my picture I topped some with chives to mark the "adult" bowls with veggies.}
10. Place the muffin pan on a baking sheet (in case of cook overs); you can line the baking sheet with foil to make cleanup quick and easy.
11. Make egg bowls for 20-30 minutes until eggs are set.
12. Enjoy!
Another tip:
What to do with the tortilla scraps?
1. Spread them on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray.  2. Lightly spray the tortillas with the cooking spray and sprinkle with garlic salt.
3. Bake until tortilla scraps are golden browned.
4. Enjoy! 

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