
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cinnamon & Sugar Mix

Keep a jar of cinnamon and sugar mixture in you spice or baking cabinet.  I mix up a larger batch; then its always on hand for white rice, cereal, oatmeal or for on buttered toast!  Yum!

Ingredients for a Small Batch:
-1/4 cup sugar
-1 tbsp cinnamon

I Make a Larger Batch:
-1 cup sugar
-1/4 cup cinnamon (which is 4 tbsp)

1. Pour ingredients into an airtight storage container {I used an empty, clean Nutella jar}.
2. Shake to mix thoroughly.
3. Enjoy!

I also have a small ceramic spoon in the mixture which helps my husband and the kids resist the erg of using their eating utensil in the mix container or using way too much.

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