
Monday, April 15, 2013

A Weekend of Coop Building and Rain!

Luckily we had one fairly nice day on Saturday, it was colder than it looks but at least the sun came out a little!  So we were able to get some work done on building the new coop...
We got the trusses built in the morning, then we were lucky to have my brother-in-law come over to help, so the forms went up pretty quick.
The coop is on "skids" so we can move it in the yard if we need or want to.  I think being able to move the coop will be great since we have such strong winds here in Iowa, we can move the coop to change the air flow in and around it.  I would also like to put a step that runs the width of the coop on top of the skids, this will be outside the person door.
It will also be nice to move the coop closer in the winter months, so I don't have to trek through the tundra to feed and care for our birds.
Here's the hubby working hard on his plan!
Coming together!
Putting the roof on...
This is what I did for a while... sit, watch, read a book!
Roof on!
Like this barn's "bullnose" roof.
The front of the roof is going to be a "bullnose",  so I would like to hang a plant on a pulley over the person door.
This is where we are at; my husband is currently training some guys on third shift so we'll probably have to wait till next weekend to get more done.  

But we have all of the materials; the windows, hinges, screening, my husband is going to build the doors, we've painted all of the walls and trim work; so its just a matter of having time to get it finished!

I'm super excited and even more excited to get my birds!

I'll keep you updated!

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