
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Make Wire Shelves Easier to Use

I found this idea on Pinterest and I thought it was brilliant!

-sticky backed linoleum tiles (we had a box left from the previous owners of our house, so this cost me $0!)
-ruler or straight edge
-pen or marker
-box cutter or Exacto blade
-wire shelving {I did two different shelves}
1. Measure the width and depth of the wire shelves. {I measured from the outermost wire and added about 1/4 inch to make sure it would stick well.}
2. Mark the measurements on your linoleum tiles and score with blade on the right side of the tile, using the ruler to make a straight cut.  
3. Now, you can just bend the tile and it will break along the line you have scored.
4. Remove the paper backing from the tile, position where you want it and stick it down.
5. Repeat with the remaining tiles/shelves.
That's it; its that simple!  Enjoy!
 Here's my goofy helper!  Oh Little Miss J!

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