
Monday, February 25, 2013

Fun Sale Weekend!

This past weekend I participated in a local sale; it was my first one in a while.  I totally enjoyed myself and it was great to see what other people are making and what people are interested in.
I was selling beaded jewelry, coaster sets, tile trivets, magnetic pen/pencil holders and my new thing... mini bird paintings.
In the past I have done several shows/sales of beaded jewelry that I make and have been making for as long as I can remember!
I also have sold things like coaster sets and trivets in the past.
Lately, I have decided that I need to get more into selling my artwork and I have found that I REALLY enjoy painting small paintings of many different kinds of birds!
I was even able to paint a couple birds while at the sale; one of them even sold less than an hour after I finished painting it!
I was pleasantly surprised that my bird painting sales accounted for half of my profits that day; note to self: Continue doing what you enjoy!
I also couldn't resist buying some of the awesome creations other vendors were selling!  

What did I find you may ask?!...

I found two beautiful handmade scarves...
And of course I found something for my future twin nieces!  I thought they were so cute!
I also found this super cute headband; it buttons in the back!  I love it and it was only $5!
Take time to check out your local art/craft shows; your bound to find something wonderfully handmade and it also gives you the opportunity to support the people in your community!

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